POV You're a fellow creative, hiring manager, or leader who wants to learn more about Isabelle.

Why is Isabelle's home page dedicated to questions?

Isabelle's ideas are fresh and innovative. She places herself in her audience's shoes, answering questions before they're asked. As you read, you'll learn essential information about her work, character, and creative approach—and acquaint yourself with her distinct voice.

What is a project Isabelle is most proud of?

Isabelle currently freelances for lemontank, where she champions zesty ideas to amplify recording artists. She strategizes album rollout campaigns, fan engagement strategies, and organic social media content to expand their digital footprint and hone their artistic identity.

Was there a project where Isabelle had complete creative control?

In 2023, Isabelle launched an Instagram platform called Gala Scene, celebrating the intersection of style, music, culture, and entertainment. She worked on the project independently, curating all content, writing all copy, designing all graphics, and engaging with the community. The account reached 13,000 organic followers in under five months.

How does Isabelle approach challenges in her creative process?

Brainstorming with fellow creatives stimulates her perspective and produces collaborative strategies. By breaking down nuanced problems into manageable tasks and remaining open to other ideas, she's overcome obstacles and delivered innovative solutions. Challenges are an inherent part of creative projects—writer's block, tight deadlines, and shifting priorities can hinder the process. She's learned to approach challenges with adaptability and resilience, making efforts to communicate effectively as hurdles arise.

What is Isabelle seeking in her next endeavor?

Isabelle strives for stability, creative autonomy, and human connection in her professional pursuits. She balances independence with collaboration, supporting her colleagues and accepting support in return. In any opportunity, Isabelle hopes to learn, grow, and evolve as a creative.